Friday, 15 February 2008

The LMS 4000 gallon Riveted Tender

This is the start of the description of the first test of the etched kit, warts and all!
No doubt there will be revisions and alterations to be made as I go along.

Picture 1 shows the FRONT end of the working (sub) frames being assembled using the Association's Loco Frame Assembly jig (3-270). My jig is quite old, with the screws for setting on the 1.5mm diam. rod. Later versions have finger nuts.
Note the supplied replacement mid spacer (fold up etch) between the frames and the outer brass parts of the jig.
Also seen are the front two upright 'fingers' of the fold over brake hangers. These will eventually fold outwards to align with the wheels, then downwards, and be connected to the sub frames with wire 'rods'.

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